What do you think about the speed limits on the interstate and local highways? Should they be raised, lowered, eliminated?
I think they should be just eliminated because if you cant handle going fast dont but the rest of us might as well cuz speeding tickets suck! Then we can all drive fast if we wont to and the rest can put around. Thats my thoughts on speed limits.
I think they should be eliminated forever. most people dont even follow them anyway and if u do get pulled over like i did yesterday for going 64 in a 40 you would have to waste your whole check on a damn ticket. but if not eliminated at least rasied
2. I think that there should be no speed limt on the interstates and highways like dj sayes. I also think if the road is not highway or interstate that the speed limt should be higher.
It actually just doesnt really bother me, i speed, but i just dont get caught :) i mean its good they have a speed limit because im sure there would be a high amount of car accidents if we didnt.
They should be decreased, speed is for the devil, and if you speed, you are conspiring to be evil! No, haha I think the speed should be determined by how many accidents, or keeping things safe. Peoples lives are really important and should be preserved.
I believe that the speed limit should be increased cause I love speeding in my 99 ford escort turbochared with a cool air intake lol jk but seriously I love speading we should increas the speed on the highway to 100
The speed limit is something debatable by many people. Some people want the speed to be slower and some want it to be faster.
A faster speed would be better than a slower speed more people are for a faster speed for the fact that many people would rather go 100mph on the interstate than go 50mph. One statistic is that there is a lot more speeding tickets for going over the speed limit than there are for going under the speed limit. In a survey from an automotive class in BVHS everyone wanted a higher speed on the interstate or have no speed at all. People say that they would want to have no speed limit because of the time they would save on long trips. In order for this to pass many things would change like stricter laws. Like the only time you can drive in the left lane is when you are passing someone because you could be going 100mph and someone in a Lamborghini or a Ferrari could be going 180mph or faster. Not following this law or any others would result in a suspension of your license and a fine. The state would need to build smother roads and banked corners. Changing the speed limit also has its down falls in that their could be more accidents. The solution for that would be stricter laws. One law would be if you get a DUI you will have your license will be revoked. Stricter driving like driving in the left lane will get you a costly ticket or even a suspension of your license. The speed limit should be risen for people that want to go fast and want to get to their destination on time.
I think they should still be posted for people who don't know the roads or how to drive for there safety but as for the rest of us it should be balls to the wall!!!!!!!!!!
Speed limits are totally necessary in some places. I know control dwindles and speed increases, especially when above 60 mph. I get especially nervous on gravel roads that have inclines/declines. Of course, one cannot see ahead very far if going up an incline. I'd like the truck coming at me to be going slow enough, like me in my car, to be able to get over in time to avoid a collision, naturally. Most gravel roads are not very wide, as you well know. The freeways at 75 is pretty agreeable for me. I like the large median between the sides and the large shoulders. I also like the better cars that we drive these days. All of these factors have lead to 75 mph limits. 85 might be all right. Above that is out of human control. We have to realize our limits as human belings. I know I have faults when it comes to controlling my tendency to eat too many cashews. I do not trust myself and other people to drive at whatever speed they fee like. 80-85 limit might be best.
speed limits are used to keep people in line. by following the speed limits there are less car crashes and less accidents in general. thats why speed limits are needed
well im 17 have been racing pretty much all my life, started racing leagally out at Thunder Valley last summer at friday night street wars with my 1980 Camaro. This summer i raced my 2001 cbr600 f4i and my 1975 Camaro at the street wars and high school series.
I think they should be just eliminated because if you cant handle going fast dont but the rest of us might as well cuz speeding tickets suck! Then we can all drive fast if we wont to and the rest can put around. Thats my thoughts on speed limits.
I think that we should be able to go the speed we want on the interstates/highways. But as long as you dont get into crashes and crap like that.
I think they should be eliminated forever. most people dont even follow them anyway and if u do get pulled over like i did yesterday for going 64 in a 40 you would have to waste your whole check on a damn ticket. but if not eliminated at least rasied
2. I think that there should be no speed limt on the interstates and highways like dj sayes. I also think if the road is not highway or interstate that the speed limt should be higher.
It actually just doesnt really bother me, i speed, but i just dont get caught :) i mean its good they have a speed limit because im sure there would be a high amount of car accidents if we didnt.
They should be decreased, speed is for the devil, and if you speed, you are conspiring to be evil! No, haha I think the speed should be determined by how many accidents, or keeping things safe. Peoples lives are really important and should be preserved.
I believe that the speed limit should be increased cause I love speeding in my 99 ford escort turbochared with a cool air intake lol jk but seriously I love speading we should increas the speed on the highway to 100
The speed limit is something debatable by many people. Some people want the speed to be slower and some want it to be faster.
A faster speed would be better than a slower speed more people are for a faster speed for the fact that many people would rather go 100mph on the interstate than go 50mph. One statistic is that there is a lot more speeding tickets for going over the speed limit than there are for going under the speed limit. In a survey from an automotive class in BVHS everyone wanted a higher speed on the interstate or have no speed at all. People say that they would want to have no speed limit because of the time they would save on long trips.
In order for this to pass many things would change like stricter laws. Like the only time you can drive in the left lane is when you are passing someone because you could be going 100mph and someone in a Lamborghini or a Ferrari could be going 180mph or faster. Not following this law or any others would result in a suspension of your license and a fine. The state would need to build smother roads and banked corners.
Changing the speed limit also has its down falls in that their could be more accidents. The solution for that would be stricter laws. One law would be if you get a DUI you will have your license will be revoked. Stricter driving like driving in the left lane will get you a costly ticket or even a suspension of your license.
The speed limit should be risen for people that want to go fast and want to get to their destination on time.
I think they should still be posted for people who don't know the roads or how to drive for there safety but as for the rest of us it should be balls to the wall!!!!!!!!!!
I think the speed limits signs are fine where their are at because were I live people go to fast and get into accidents.
Speed limits are totally necessary in some places. I know control dwindles and speed increases, especially when above 60 mph. I get especially nervous on gravel roads that have inclines/declines. Of course, one cannot see ahead very far if going up an incline. I'd like the truck coming at me to be going slow enough, like me in my car, to be able to get over in time to avoid a collision, naturally. Most gravel roads are not very wide, as you well know. The freeways at 75 is pretty agreeable for me. I like the large median between the sides and the large shoulders. I also like the better cars that we drive these days. All of these factors have lead to 75 mph limits. 85 might be all right. Above that is out of human control. We have to realize our limits as human belings. I know I have faults when it comes to controlling my tendency to eat too many cashews. I do not trust myself and other people to drive at whatever speed they fee like. 80-85 limit might be best.
What speed signs I don't notic them but I would say they need to eliminate them so I can have more fun.
speed limits are used to keep people in line. by following the speed limits there are less car crashes and less accidents in general. thats why speed limits are needed
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